Tournament at Camelot: Trick Taking with Swords

If you were to cross the game we play most often (see this review) with the most loved/hated game in our closet (see this review), you might end up with this game: Tournament at Camelot.

Like Rage, Tournament is a trick-taking game, but with the added mystique of an Arthurian theme. Each player becomes a character of legend and each time you lay down a card you are taking part in a Melee.

Unlike in Rage, though, there's no bidding for tricks. In fact, you hope to avoid taking any. Each card you take is some sort of weapon and it inflicts injury on you. Take too many, and you become weaker and weaker until eventually, you die. And thus, the game ends.
Sound a little morbid? There is Help. After the first Tourney Round, the weakest players receive godsend cards, and these cards can turn the whole of Camelot upside down. In other words, watch out if you're the strong one. You are about to become a target.

 So, what did our crew think of this cross between the games we love and hate? The Mom--who despises the other Camelot--liked this one so much, she went out and bought one for their family. The Saboteur loudly proclaimed, and I quote, "This is the best game ever."

From that, you may gather that if you're squeamish about confrontation, you might not enjoy this game. But everyone's doing it, and it's all in good fun. Mostly.

Also, don't let the box be your guide if you're looking for something fast. Our tournaments took much longer than the advertised 45 minutes. On the plus side, component quality is higher than with most card games because these are large, sturdy, and lavishly illustrated with befitting medieval art.

Turns out that trick-taking and Arthurian legend combine in a crew-pleasing way. Huzzah!

# Players . . . 3-6
Game time . . . . . . . . 45 minutes says the box, but our games have been longer 
Set up . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 minutes
Luck . . . . . . .  .7 . . . . Strategy
*Interplay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Visual Appeal . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Component Quality . .. . . . . 8
*Replayability . . . . . . . . . . . 8.5

*See "How we Rate" for a definition.
