Set up . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 minute
Luck . . . . . . . . 7 . . . Strategy
*Interplay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Visual Appeal . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Component Quality . .. . . . . 7
*Replayability . . . . . . . . . . . 8
*See "How we Rate" for a definition.
Quiddler is one of those great-to-take-on-vacation, highly-portable card games. It's fast to play, easy to learn, and highly amusing, especially when you play with someone like our Saboteur, who comes up with some, shall we say, creative words. Sometimes he actually hits on one that's real.
Play begins with three cards in hand and the object of forming a word or words with the cards. A card is added to the hand each round until ten cards have been used. Points are desirable, with some of the more difficult-to-use letter worth higher points.
Ah, Spring Break. So many different ways to relax. Which to choose first?
While playing games wasn't at the top of our list, it was on there, but we didn't manage to get in as many as we'd hoped. Just two: Dominion and Quiddler.
Quiddler is one of those great-to-take-on-vacation, highly-portable card games. It's fast to play, easy to learn, and highly amusing, especially when you play with someone like our Saboteur, who comes up with some, shall we say, creative words. Sometimes he actually hits on one that's real.
Play begins with three cards in hand and the object of forming a word or words with the cards. A card is added to the hand each round until ten cards have been used. Points are desirable, with some of the more difficult-to-use letter worth higher points.
Notice the Mona Lisa smile on Leslie's face. As a wordophile, she's in her element and is somehow able to be The Mom--help us all find our best moves--while still managing to cream us.
Okay, totally made me laugh! I just didn't help you guys as much this time. That's why there was such a huge score differential. ;)