Saboteur 2: A Must-Have Expansion

The Review Crew's Take on
Saboteur 2

# Players . . . 3-12
Game time . . . . . . . . up to 30 minutes
Set up . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 minutes
Luck . . . . . . . 6. . . . Strategy
*Interplay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Visual Appeal . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Component Quality . .. . . . . 7
*Replayability . . . . . . . . . . . 9

The Crew and families had a get-together this weekend to celebrate a birthday, which gave us plenty of opportunity to try out the newly arrived expansion, Saboteur 2.  If you recall from a previous review, the original game is fun but it has a few problems. Does the expansion fix them? Yes . . . mostly. I'll explain, but first a little about the expansion itself.
The premise of the game is still the same: a group of dwarves tunnels from one end of the playing space to the other to find a hidden nugget of gold. There are still saboteurs in the ranks who try to impede the process and gain the gold for themselves, but other characters are added as well: a geologist, a boss and a profiteer. Each new character has its own way of earning gold. Also, the dwarves are split into two teams, green and blue. All of these changes, along with added path and actions cards, add complexity, intrigue, and, therefore, a lot of fun to the game.
They also solve various problems. For example, the question of how much table talk to allow is now moot. Since you don't know who's on your side, you tend to keep important information to yourself.
It's still difficult for the saboteurs to win, but the geologist and the profiteer can also play as saboteurs if they chose to. Either way, they still earn gold. Some of the new actions cards allow for players to steal gold from another play at the end of a hand, so unsuccessful saboteurs can earn gold that way.
The conclusion: the expansion is a must-have and makes the complete game loads of fun. No buts about it.


  1. For me, this game is a big improvement on the original, in that it enhances interplay and strategy. I enjoyed the geologist character the most. I would definitely recommend getting the expansion (I don't know if we will play with just the original again).

    1. Not if you're playing with me, you won't. :-)


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